Display PowerPoint/Google Slides in whole screen when casting from MacBook Pro Display PowerPoint/Google Slides in whole screen when casting from MacBook Pro

Display PowerPoint/Google Slides in whole screen when casting from MacBook Pro

Paul L Paul L

When presenting the screen from a MacBook Pro to a TV, there can be extra black spaces on the TV screen because the natural resolution ratio difference between MacBook Pro (16:10) and TV (16:9). In this article, we will show you how to preset PowerPoint or Google Slides from MacBook Pro, or other 16:10 devices, and avoid the extra black spaces.


Here are the suggestions:

1. Upload the PowerPoint file to Microsoft 365 or Google Slides. Open the file in Microsoft365/Google Slides in the web browser. Go to https://present.aericast.com and present the specific browser "tab" of the M 365/Google Slides page, instead of the whole screen. Then resize the browser window to fit the presentation slide content, assuming it's 16:9 based. This will cast the presentation to the entire TV screen without additional blank spaces.

Here is a how-to video: Link


2. Or you can change MacBook Pro's resolution to a 16:9 based resolution during the presentation, but this may require a 3rd party app to do so. => This is Apple's limitation.

Here is a how-to article: Link


If you have feedback on how to make the how-to guides better, please let us know at: support@aericast.com or just submit a ticket here.

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